Fact Reconciliation displays already reconciled facts
- 28 Sep 2015, 11:36 AM
Carlos Ruiz October 7, 2015 at 1:03 PM
So, this is candidate for closing?
Michal Zilincar October 6, 2015 at 10:51 AM
Thank you @Carlos Ruiz for workaround. I tested it on demo server and we have realized , the problem was caused by our new re-activation function on Bank Statement .
Carlos Ruiz October 5, 2015 at 2:20 PM
> at this moment I am not able ( gardenAdmin) to select account in Accounting Fact Reconcilation (manual)
Hi @Michal Zilincar, that's already fixed but not arrived to dev, workaround is to clear the accounting schema field, move to another field, and then select again the schema, then you can select the account.
Michal Zilincar October 5, 2015 at 1:37 PM
Hi @Carlos Ruiz ,
I tried to create test case on demo , but actually at this moment I am not able ( gardenAdmin) to select account in Accounting Fact Reconcilation (manual).
The use case was on payment.
Name for Match code in payment allocation and payment reconciliation is created same way : Auto C_Payment: "C_Payment_ID".
So we have 2 transactions with same Matchcode. If one of that matchcode is not reconciled, we are seeing also the other one as not reconciled.
Steps to reproduce :
Payment is allocated to invoice but not reconciled on bank statement.
If we use filter for B_UnallocatedCash_Acct we will get this transaction as unreconciled , even allocation is done and we can see total of matchcode for the account is balanced.
In report "Unreconciled accounting facts" its correct.
Enhanced solution is also to modify rule that creates name of matchcode for Allocation, but Tomas patch is also necessary
Carlos Ruiz October 3, 2015 at 10:53 PM
Hi @Tomáš Švikruha, can you please provide a test case to reproduce? I read the code and understood what is trying to do, but failed to find a test case.
fact reconciliation ignores account_id