Set the default costing method to Average PO


Chuck advises to set the default costing method to be "Average PO"





Carlos Ruiz February 22, 2019 at 2:28 PM

Correction, the default method for new clients is not "average invoice" as it was discussed here.

The default method actually is Standard Costing - which is convenient as it's the easiest to setup, average PO is a method that requires more definition about the order how documents are entered into the system.

So, defaulting to Std sounds fine in principle. However, this must be a first-task on any implementation to analyze and define per client.


Carlos Ruiz

Carlos Ruiz October 16, 2015 at 1:35 PM

definitely agreed with the ideas we discussed at castle

That have been my standing from many years back - Average Invoice Costing is a mistake and should be drop.

In SAP there is no "Average Invoice" and "Average PO", just one "Average Costing" - I'm aware of that and have mention that several time.

So, restoring our main conclusion at the castle:

1 - define Average PO method as the default method for new clients (at this moment is Average Invoice)
2 - if possible drop "Average Invoice" from the list (and deprecate it in code) - and rename "Average PO" to "Average Costing"

We must add a migration note to people already using Average Invoice (any?) to encourage them to make a transition to "Average Costing" (formerly Average PO), but in the meantime the code must be kept there marked as deprecated.

BTW, yesterday was doing extensive tests to Average PO and found that everything was working pretty good.


Carlos Ruiz

Won't Fix





Created September 15, 2015 at 2:41 PM
Updated April 1, 2019 at 2:53 PM
Resolved February 22, 2019 at 2:28 PM