Vendor Return Material: Qty deducted twice from MCost.CurrentQty (AvgInv and FIFO)


Return of material via Vendor RMA process deducts the quantity twice from the MCost.CurrentQty (Current Quantity) field.

The system deducts 1 when the material is posted, and 1 again when the match invoice is posted.

Steps to reproduce:


  • Create a new stock item

  • PO for 100 of item

  • Material Receipt

  • Invoice (Vendor) by "Generate Invoice from Receipt" (click on the toolbar gear icon in the material receipt).

  • Complete the invoice.

  • Verify that the current qty is 100 on the cost record.


  • Create Vendor RMA

  • Select the original material receipt (from Purchase, above)

  • Return 1 of the 100

  • Complete the RMA

  • Generate Shipments (manual) - select Document type - Vendor RMA - Select the RMA

  • A Return to Vendor , "MM Vendor Return" is created.

  • Complete the document

  • Verify that the current qty is 99 on the cost record.

  • Create an Invoice (Vendor) from Generate Invoice from Receipt (click on the toolbar gear icon in the material receipt, on the Return to Vendor document).

  • This creates an AP Credit Memo

  • Complete the document

  • Verify that the current qty is 98 on the cost record..

This is incorrect, since only 1 has been returned.







Andres Lopez Andrade August 22, 2020 at 6:27 PM

Triaged by arlopeza

  • Create a new stock item

  • PO Qty=100 Price=1

  • Material Receipt

  • Generate Invoice from Receipt

  • Complete invoice.

  • Verify that the current qty is 100 on the cost record.

  • Create Vendor RMA

  • Return 1 of the 100

  • Complete RMA

  • Generate Shipments (manual)
    Document type - Vendor RMA

  • Complete Return to Vendor

  • Current qty is 99 on the cost record.

  • Create and Complete an AP CreditMemo from Generate Invoice from Receipt on the Return to Vendor document.

  • Verify that the current qty is 99 on the cost record.

Everything normal, test with FIFO

When create the Vendor RMA, on Receipt Line still appear Qty=100, must be 99

the process change the cost to 0.9604 ans Qty = 101

Still reproducible on 7.1z

Carlos Ruiz December 14, 2017 at 1:46 PM

Hi ,

I reproduced the issue as you described using Average Invoice.

Using Average PO worked fine.

I think from previous analysis we have done the Average PO is the recommended method, in the end I think we must not support both - Average Invoice is really problematic, and when you try to solve the problems of Average Invoice you finish implementing Average PO.

On the other hand - with the same test case you described above the FIFO method failed:
After posting the AP Credit Memo:
Current Cost Price = 1.0204 - this seems wrong - cost has not changed, must be 1 as I tested with a price of $1
Current Qty = 98 - must be 99
Accumulated Amt = 101 - must be 100 (I tested with a price of $1)
Accumulated Qty = 99 - must be 100

Boonphan.S December 11, 2017 at 8:21 AM

I tested follow your step (for version 4.1)

  1. Verify that the beginning qty is 185 on the cost record

  2. Create PO for 100 of item

  3. Create Material Receipt

  4. Create Invoice (Vendor) and Complete the invoice.

  5. Verify that the current qty is 285 on the cost record

  6. Create Vendor RMA (Return 1 of the 100)

  7. Complete the RMA

  8. Create Return to Vendor and Complete the document.

  9. Create an AP Credit Memo (Invoice (Vendor)) and Complete the document

  10. Verify that the current qty is 284 on the cost record

The quantity is correct.

Neil G August 3, 2015 at 2:46 PM

In case this helps:

If one puts a breakpoint into X_M_Cost.setCurrentQty, the trace going up is illustrated in the following screenshots:

(Second pass = matched inv, the other one is the Return to Vendor)






Affects versions


Created August 3, 2015 at 2:38 PM
Updated August 22, 2020 at 6:27 PM