Data in Window / Tab are not displayed correclty (Caching Error)
Carlos Ruiz October 12, 2018 at 9:36 AM
Revisiting this - again this doesn't seem like a bug, but a configuration issue.
I think the user experience of a user creating a record and the record disappearing from the window is not good - it usually leads to the user thinking the record was not created and creating it again - which create duplicates.
Usual suggestion - don't allow users to change fields used in the SQL where - for example, if you have a window to show just C_BPartner.IsCustomer=Y then making the flag IsCustomer updatable can lead to this behavior.
I think is better to stick showing the records that the user modified - and as you pointed they will disappear on next re-query or reopen.
Carlos Ruiz

Hiep Lq July 29, 2015 at 1:49 PMEdited
IDEMPIERE-1841 same reason as i description at my last comment

Kirit July 16, 2015 at 4:17 AM
We agree with Carlos for the goal of refresh button to re-read data from DB, BUT the case which Hans represent is "Sqlwhere" of tab, with value isActive = 'Y', so the window must display all ACtive records only. with this issue he is editing record but in edit he makes isActive='N' (it is edit only but it should make the record disappear from grid view because of sqlWhere given on tab to display only Active records.)

hans.riess July 15, 2015 at 2:37 PM
i made some tests in
if records are deactivated, they are still in grid list
-> same behaviour as in our local instance (idempiere 2.1)
Carlos Ruiz July 15, 2015 at 1:36 PM
I think refresh is intended as a button to reread the data from database - not to do a requery.
i created a tab in a window.
SQL Where: isactive = 'Y'
If I deactivate one record, I expect that this record disappear in the current tab after refresh, but in reality this record is still visible.
When I open the window again, then the record disappears.