Tabular Report Refresh "icon" doesnt works for T_ tables
Carlos Ruiz July 1, 2015 at 7:33 PM
Closing as I don't see a fix to suggest here.
A possible "fix" would be to refresh just the print format and keep the data, but that would mean for big reports to keep the data in memory and probably that's not feasible.
Maybe you can use some notation for the print format name in order to make users know that some print formats don't refresh data.
Please reopen ticket if there is another suggested approach that maybe I missed.
Hiep Lq June 28, 2015 at 3:29 PM
From developer view i think it's understand.
T table normal is temp table. report base on it normal has process for create data.
refresh button from report viewer do a requery but process create data don't re-run.
so report base on view is update but report base on t table don't update.
Nicolas Micoud June 28, 2015 at 2:54 PM
Just my 2 cents.
The refresh button won't work on reports based on T table - they won't refresh data, but it can be used to update identifier/data type.
But it's quite hard to explain users the difference between reports based on table and reports based on views :-/
*Problem Statment: *
End-user doesn't understand why some reports (t_ based) are not refreshed when click to refresh icon.
Probably, refresh "icon" doesn't supports t_ based reports.