1. Open e.g. Sales Order window 2. Click on Find toolbar button 3. Switch to Advanced button and create advanced filter 4. Click OK 5. Click again on Find toolbar button 6. Switch from Advanced tab to Lookup Record tab - there are missing OK and Cancel buttons -> BUG?
I can't find any way how to use "simple" filter after "advanced" was already used. Only way is to close window Sales Order and open again.
Bug appears in all windows.
Carlos Ruiz September 8, 2018 at 2:40 PM
Cannot reproduce with actual version 5.1 - maybe this was solved somewhere
Carlos Ruiz July 1, 2015 at 10:26 PM
> I can't find any way how to use "simple" filter after "advanced" was already used.
, attached a patch where you can find if advanced tab is open, but I still haven't found how to restore those buttons.
The trick is on the overridden onPageAttached method.
I found a couple of unnecessary dispose and commented out also on the patch
Steps to reproduce.
1. Open e.g. Sales Order window
2. Click on Find toolbar button
3. Switch to Advanced button and create advanced filter
4. Click OK
5. Click again on Find toolbar button
6. Switch from Advanced tab to Lookup Record tab - there are missing OK and Cancel buttons -> BUG?
I can't find any way how to use "simple" filter after "advanced" was already used. Only way is to close window Sales Order and open again.
Bug appears in all windows.