use case: 3 orgs all orgs=1 company. each accounting scheme =1 org. Consultant setup all default accounts but require to get new account to product CoGS default for all products.
wflow 1. setup schema cogs default 2. copy to product category 3. copy to products
Limitation: at this moment copy accounts overwrite everything. means if you define various specific defaults on item level (product, bpartner, charge...) then this process overwrite all.
opportunity: improve process by adding new parameter "Default", enable filter/limit scope to a specific default will be copied during process.
Required Changes (minimal): 1. add new process 2. create ref lists for defaults. 3. improve java handle new parameter
Carlos Ruiz September 8, 2018 at 2:26 PM
Closing as lack of interest from community - Potential Idea
use case: 3 orgs all orgs=1 company. each accounting scheme =1 org. Consultant setup all default accounts but require to get new account to product CoGS default for all products.
1. setup schema cogs default
2. copy to product category
3. copy to products
Limitation: at this moment copy accounts overwrite everything. means if you define various specific defaults on item level (product, bpartner, charge...) then this process overwrite all.
opportunity: improve process by adding new parameter "Default", enable filter/limit scope to a specific default will be copied during process.
Required Changes (minimal):
1. add new process
2. create ref lists for defaults.
3. improve java handle new parameter