Generate Invoice Improvements


we found the following process could be improved well:

Product Category filter (parameter 1)
by product category filter users are able to filter specific lines from orders by his product cagetory - where shipment and invoice rules are fit and not yet invoiced. Important: parent/child categories must be considered. well

example use case: user wants to invoice first: foods then office equipments.

Split orderlines by (parameter 2)
by this parameter users are able to split invoices - to be created - by given option - then - where shipment and invoice rules are fit and not yet invoiced


    • split by salesman - invoice per order customers

    • split by orders

    • split by order reference

    • split by shipments

    • split by location(departments) -

example use case: multiple invoices created for business partner - split by locations. e.g 100 shipments 10 invoice in period

Lines Order by (parameter 3)
by this parameter users are able to define how lines - generated to invoice will be ordered - to be created - by given option - then - where shipment and invoice rules are fit and not yet invoiced


    • no grouping

    • group by orders

    • group by address

    • group by shipments

Generate Notes (parameter 3)
actual behaviour is: Shipment: TR/DL/150612089 (docno) - 18/06/2015 (date)

Note 1. other ideas required - for better design
Note 2. other ideas in code review required - for better design
Note 3. parameter 2 and 3 are - could be in conflict - ideas are welcome.





Carlos Ruiz September 8, 2018 at 2:21 PM

Closing as lack of interest from community - Potential Idea






Created June 3, 2015 at 6:54 PM
Updated November 1, 2018 at 12:00 AM
Resolved September 8, 2018 at 2:21 PM