Movement from one ASI to another do not create cost detail
On Movement complete, If organization are different then it create cost detail. But when there are 2 different ASI, It do not create cost detail.
For enhancing this, We need to add M_AttributesetInstanceTO_ID on docline.
Carlos Ruiz August 26, 2020 at 1:27 PM
Hi , if still reproducible please reopen with the required configuration and test case.
Carlos Ruiz
Deepak Pansheriya August 26, 2020 at 4:50 AM
When ASI level costing used, it is important to create cost or update cost when inventory move done from one ASI to another ASI.
Orlando Curieles August 22, 2020 at 8:17 PM
Triaged by - Will be discuss in the forum - I think Is not necessary create a record in m_costDetail when you move from one org to other - is the same cost … you only need move the inventory value. - Resolved as potential idea
On Movement complete, If organization are different then it create cost detail. But when there are 2 different ASI, It do not create cost detail.
For enhancing this, We need to add M_AttributesetInstanceTO_ID on docline.