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BUG:Report Aging doesn't display Invoices with negative amount and records in Payment Schedule.
FIX:There are three DB functions which calculates Open amounts for Invoices and should be fixed:
1. invoiceopen(p_c_invoice_id numeric, p_c_invoicepayschedule_id numeric)2. invoiceopentodate(p_c_invoice_id numeric,p_c_invoicepayschedule_id numeric,p_dateacct date)3. invoiceopentodate(p_c_invoice_id numeric,p_c_invoicepayschedule_id numeric,p_dateacct timestamp with time zone)
In each function is part with:
IF (s.DueAmt - v_Remaining < 0) THENv_TotalOpenAmt := 0;
which should be replaced by:
IF (abs(s.DueAmt) - v_Remaining < 0) THENv_TotalOpenAmt := 0;
to support also negative invoices.
Hi @Tomáš Švikruha, I think instead of ABS function, it must take into account the variable v_MultiplierCM to make the comparison.
Using ABS can lead to errors as you could be comparing a negative DueAmt with a negative PaidAmt.
Carlos Ruiz
confirm, tested, working well.
Attached fixed PostgreSQL functions.
Report Aging doesn't display Invoices with negative amount and records in Payment Schedule.
There are three DB functions which calculates Open amounts for Invoices and should be fixed:
1. invoiceopen(p_c_invoice_id numeric, p_c_invoicepayschedule_id numeric)
2. invoiceopentodate(p_c_invoice_id numeric,p_c_invoicepayschedule_id numeric,p_dateacct date)
3. invoiceopentodate(p_c_invoice_id numeric,p_c_invoicepayschedule_id numeric,p_dateacct timestamp with time zone)
In each function is part with:
IF (s.DueAmt - v_Remaining < 0) THEN
v_TotalOpenAmt := 0;
which should be replaced by:
IF (abs(s.DueAmt) - v_Remaining < 0) THEN
v_TotalOpenAmt := 0;
to support also negative invoices.