Matching PO-Receipt-Invoice do not respect Credit Memo


Here is Scenario.

Say we want to key exact invoice as vendor send us and there is over invoicing. Here is what I think is what we should do.

Say we have PO of 2 qty. MR of 2 qty and we receive invoice for 3 qty. For recording AP invoice want to create invoice line for 3 manually and want to get 1 qty paid back by a credit memo.

So in this case may be scenario like MR has 2 qty, AP invoice has 3 qty and AP credit memo with 1 qty. Here it works well from posting purspective, but if we try to match on form Matching PO-Receipt-Invoice, it consider invoiced qty as 3+1 =4 . It do not consider AP credit memo as negative.

So it should consider match line for 2 invoice with AP Credit memo line has negative qty.





Daniel Tamm April 4, 2016 at 3:38 PM

Hi Deepak! I've had problems with this for a long time but haven't had the time to contribute any of my temporary solutions to community.
The first step is to show the credit memo lines in the matching window. As it is in 2.1 the unmatched credit memo lines show up with the wrong sign (ie the credit memo lines can match to a reciept and not a return).

Following commit is a fix to have the lines show with the right sign.

Deepak Pansheriya November 5, 2015 at 5:30 PM

I am thinking this Approach

Adding Match Invoice header like M_MatchInvHdr.
Adding M_MatchInvHdr_ID in M_MatchInv table. Make C_InvoiceLine_ID and M_InoutLine_Id as non mandatory when M_MatchInvHdr_ID is non null.

Adding Match Invoice Write Off account per client. When M_MatchInv has either of C_InvoiceLine_ID or M_InoutLine_Id is null, it used MIWO account to post against.

Add create Match Work Bench flag on Match invoice. When this flag selected, allow to create multiple invoice line and MR lines. It validate that sum of product qty be 0. On completion, it create M_MatchInvHdr and M_MatchInv.

Here we have option to make M_MatchInvHdr as document or keeping it has just linking purposes.

Deepak Pansheriya September 24, 2015 at 12:24 PM

Can any one help me to design proper solution around? I am getting confused on approaches.

What I thought is below, but not happy with my thinking

1. create multiple Match line with invoice line only, and establish link between such match line. When this match presents post to Product Inventory clearing and Match Invoice clearing account (We have to introduce this new account). Also need to handle price difference.
2. Add Credit invoice line on match invoice. When want to match invoice to Credit memo, use this line. No posting is price are same. if there is price difference then need to post variance.
This match line are important for reconciling GL entry, So need to update reconciliation rule accordingly.

3. Creating Match header similar to allocation header and supporting for multiple line of selection.
This need bigger refactoring and even verifying qty match.





Created May 13, 2015 at 1:47 PM
Updated April 4, 2016 at 3:39 PM