Invoice Detail & Margin Report: Margin and Discount should be -ve for credit transactions
From a customer: "This report creates a positive margin for Credit Notes. It should be negative. As a result the Total margin will be incorrect."
The database view is RV_C_InvoiceLine.
I suspect that the margin and discount amounts should be multiplied by the 'multiplier' field. I have highlighted the proposed changes to the Postgres view in red.
Before proposed fix:
After proposed fix:
Neil G May 28, 2015 at 10:15 AM
Thanks Carlos.
Carlos Ruiz May 27, 2015 at 9:47 PM
I committed a fix, added the multiplier for marginamt, and fixed the wrong parenthesis in linediscountamt and lineoverlimitamt.
I didn't change the discount% and margin% as I think these values are correct - the percentages are not intended to be summed.
Neil G March 31, 2015 at 7:00 PM
Hi Hiep, Thank you very much for helping to correct my issue. It is very much appreciated I can't see the pencil icon in the Description field, but I can see it now in the comments, so it is great - sorted
Hiep Lq March 31, 2015 at 3:38 PM
Hi , not need delete, just correct it. i help you in this issue. it's simple, just click pencill in each field or click edit button for edit many field at one. good luck!
Neil G March 31, 2015 at 1:57 PM
Is it possible to edit or delete this issue? I accidentally posted the information in the environment tag.
From a customer: "This report creates a positive margin for Credit Notes. It should be negative. As a result the Total margin will be incorrect."
The database view is RV_C_InvoiceLine.
I suspect that the margin and discount amounts should be multiplied by the 'multiplier' field. I have highlighted the proposed changes to the Postgres view in red.
Before proposed fix:
After proposed fix: