WORKAROUND: Users calls to support because doesn't understand what reports returned to screen useless utilise support capacity. at this moment no simple way to display report session information on the screen. This solution resolve this issue.
TASK: i suggest to implement 2 new panels + implement "How to" panel for reports
SOLUTION IDEA 1. How to: enable How to section and include report name, description and comment - same as on window 2. New Panel 1. Running Parameters: Display parameters and his values (maybe description/comment what does each parameter meaning) 3. New Panel 2. Visible Columns: Display List of columns and name/description/comments - explain user how to unserstand/read the displayer report
Must be decide 1. description is enough self explanatory or must be displayed comment (could be too much)
version 3
Diego Ruiz July 30, 2020 at 4:42 PM
Triaged as a potential idea due to a lack of interest from the community in 5 years.
If you still want to to work on this, please feel free to reopen the ticket and add extra details.
WORKAROUND: Users calls to support because doesn't understand what reports returned to screen useless utilise support capacity. at this moment no simple way to display report session information on the screen. This solution resolve this issue.
TASK: i suggest to implement 2 new panels + implement "How to" panel for reports
1. How to: enable How to section and include report name, description and comment - same as on window
2. New Panel 1. Running Parameters: Display parameters and his values (maybe description/comment what does each parameter meaning)
3. New Panel 2. Visible Columns: Display List of columns and name/description/comments - explain user how to unserstand/read the displayer report
Must be decide
1. description is enough self explanatory or must be displayed comment (could be too much)