query in report, info panel only consider product in first level of category


make category lv1.
make category lv2. Parent Product Category of lv2 is lv1.
make product p1, set Product Category is lv2

+ in product window, seach product by lv1. result has p1
+ at product info search by category lv1. in result don't show p1.
+ at a report has parameter is product category, select lv1 in result hasn't p1.

maybe in report parameter add a checkbox include sub child.
in product info, must show p1.







Hiep Lq March 24, 2015 at 4:39 PM

Tomáš Švikruha March 4, 2015 at 8:44 AM

Hi , as Norbert mentioned, we've already done it.

In first version we created Postgres function which was used in Info Window column, but this solution was quite slow, so we had to improve it.

Second and for now last version is different. We extended query operators on IW column by EXISTS operator. Because we implemented this feature in few steps, I don't have full patch for it but try to help you and write steps needed to test our solution.

1. Extend Reference List InfoQueryOperators by operator with Search Key 'Exists' and Name 'Exists'
2. Change length of column QueryFunction to e.g. 2000 characters and synchronise (table AD_InfoColumn)
3. Apply IDEMPIERE-2497-beta.patch
4. Go to Product Info Window and select Query Operator to exists on column Product Category
5. Copy SQL condition from file queryFunction.sql into QueryFunction field of column Product Category

That's all you need, hope it will works (it should because we are using it)

Norbert Bede March 3, 2015 at 9:01 PM

ask we have patch i'm sure. nb






Affects versions


Created March 3, 2015 at 7:58 AM
Updated March 24, 2015 at 4:39 PM
Resolved March 24, 2015 at 4:39 PM