Jasper Library has cyclic dependency due to imports
When i try to export own plugin: A cycle was detected when generating the classpath org.idempiere.iuimobile_1.0.0.201502101339, org.adempiere.base_3.0.0.201502101339, org.apache.activemq.activemq-core_5.7.0, org.adempiere.report.jasper.library_3.0.0.201502101339, org.adempiere.base_3.0.0.201502101339.
I solved in MANIFEST file, run Unused Dependencies and remove those. I tested in my Eclipse with running a new jasper report (Niemcor plugin with 2pack definitions of jasper report sample) came out OK.
When i try to export own plugin: A cycle was detected when generating the classpath org.idempiere.iuimobile_1.0.0.201502101339, org.adempiere.base_3.0.0.201502101339, org.apache.activemq.activemq-core_5.7.0, org.adempiere.report.jasper.library_3.0.0.201502101339, org.adempiere.base_3.0.0.201502101339.
I solved in MANIFEST file, run Unused Dependencies and remove those.
I tested in my Eclipse with running a new jasper report (Niemcor plugin with 2pack definitions of jasper report sample) came out OK.