Document Type Improvement by "Allow Different Product Than Shipped"
Original Problem: we allow to ship and invoice a product different than the sales order line product - at this moment you can do that "trick" and invoice a product that was not in the order line. I just tested and you can do an order line for one product, ship a different one and invoice a third different product - of course messing up many things that then you need to fix with more documents.
Solution: We agree here (x-ref:!topic/idempiere/ARx1qhwbtiw) with about resolving this issue with extending document type by checkbox "Allow Different Product Than Shipped". By activating this new checkbox admin can prevent above mentioned problem.
Required Changes: We extend document type (document base for invoice - TODO exact docbasetype definition required) with new field (checkbox) IsAllowDiffProductThanShipped.
version 3.0
Edwin Ang June 25, 2020 at 10:45 AM
Same with IDEMPIERE-2423, I think this should just be prevented rather than enable by configuration
Original Problem: we allow to ship and invoice a product different than the sales order line product - at this moment you can do that "trick" and invoice a product that was not in the order line. I just tested and you can do an order line for one product, ship a different one and invoice a third different product - of course messing up many things that then you need to fix with more documents.
Solution: We agree here (x-ref:!topic/idempiere/ARx1qhwbtiw) with about resolving this issue with extending document type by checkbox "Allow Different Product Than Shipped". By activating this new checkbox admin can prevent above mentioned problem.
Required Changes:
We extend document type (document base for invoice - TODO exact docbasetype definition required) with new field (checkbox) IsAllowDiffProductThanShipped.