1 - when opening the "Client" window in GardenWorld, the System encrypted value is tried to decrypt with the GardenWorld key, resulting in an error "Failed decrypting ..."
Solved reading the AD_Client_ID per record in GridTable
2 - When trying to load the POInfo for AD_Client - the RequestUserPw column is loaded before the AD_Client_ID column, resulting in always trying to decrypt with the System key in GardenWorld
Solved ordering by AD_Column_ID the columns loaded in POInfo
Two problems found encrypting the column AD_Client.RequestUserPw.
Related to https://idempiere.atlassian.net/browse/IDEMPIERE-613#icft=IDEMPIERE-613 using a secret key per client:
1 - when opening the "Client" window in GardenWorld, the System encrypted value is tried to decrypt with the GardenWorld key, resulting in an error "Failed decrypting ..."
Solved reading the AD_Client_ID per record in GridTable
2 - When trying to load the POInfo for AD_Client - the RequestUserPw column is loaded before the AD_Client_ID column, resulting in always trying to decrypt with the System key in GardenWorld
Solved ordering by AD_Column_ID the columns loaded in POInfo