Generate Shipments is generating partial for complete orders
In some cases generate Shipments is generating partial shipment for complete orders when the Date Promised is filled and the order lines present different promised dates.
The shipment is generated just for the lines within the range breaking the business rule for complete order.
Carlos Ruiz
Carlos Ruiz May 13, 2020 at 3:32 PM
> Should forbid user to complete an order with different dates promised if the delivery rule is complete
That sounds good - I think this is a correct validation for the prepareIt method.
Orlando Curieles May 9, 2020 at 2:12 PM
The user put the correct dates in the lines but don't take the correct Order Line to make the shipment.
That was fixed on this commit..
Best Regards,
Heng Sin Low May 9, 2020 at 6:33 AM
Should forbid user to complete an order with different dates promised if the delivery rule is complete - sound like a user mistake to me.
In some cases generate Shipments is generating partial shipment for complete orders when the Date Promised is filled and the order lines present different promised dates.
The shipment is generated just for the lines within the range breaking the business rule for complete order.
Carlos Ruiz