Print format - footer hardcoded idempiere instead installation name
Carlos Ruiz October 12, 2018 at 9:45 AM
Closing this - reported issues are being managed in other tickets

Nicolas Micoud February 17, 2017 at 7:54 AM
Hi , I think the issue #1 is related to!searchin/idempiere/scheduler|sort:relevance/idempiere/6M3ZHBOsSBg/lGlOwglxAQAJ
-> No context when report is launched from a scheduler
And perhaps is same for issue #2 (as it is launched in background and is independant from the current session)
Norbert Bede February 16, 2017 at 9:32 PM
mentioned same here in my original question however overlooked.!topic/idempiere/u5sBKKuXGvs
known use cases
1. scheduler cause this error message
2. run as job - reports cause this error message
Norbert Bede February 16, 2017 at 7:36 AM
hi, we found a bug here. when scheduler generates a pdf report, then can't replace #AD_Client_Name - #AD_User_Name by real values.
example 1-3 lines.(i found a use case with 23000 rows in pdf = entries in log.)
#AD_Client_Name - #AD_User_Name
#AD_Client_Name - #AD_User_Name
#AD_Client_Name - #AD_User_Name
scheduler has not available #AD_Client_Name - #AD_User_Name context ?
Carlos Ruiz July 1, 2015 at 11:38 PM
, I think is better to open two new tickets for your new discoveries.
attached screen issue #1
i suggest to print on reports - instead hardcoded "idempiere" installation or client name.