Exception with table alias in virtual columns (only for views)
Alias in virtual columns (only on views) cannot be used when view has translation (e.g. M_InOut_Line_v, M_InOut_Line_vt) and is used for print format. Cannot use M_InOut_Line_v alias because M_InOut_Line_vt view is used in query by idempiere.
Error: missing FROM-clause entry for table "M_InOut_Line_v"
STEPS TO REPRODUCE: 1. Create virtual column on M_InOut_Line_v (columnSQL=SELECT UPC FROM M_Product WHERE M_Product_ID=M_InOut_Line_v.M_Product_ID) 2. Add this line to random Print Format which uses M_InOut_Line_v 3. Run report with previous Print Format when you are logged with non system language or set Language on BPartner to language Spanish (M_InOut_Line_vt table has to be used in query)
PS: Log and ScreenShot are based on view DD_Order_Line_v
Tomáš Švikruha October 10, 2014 at 8:53 AM
Thanks . it solved my problem.
Hiep Lq October 9, 2014 at 5:38 PM
root cause: when main table has translate table. translate table will use in query, but main table in virtual column is not replace => wrong sql
Alias in virtual columns (only on views) cannot be used when view has translation (e.g. M_InOut_Line_v, M_InOut_Line_vt) and is used for print format. Cannot use M_InOut_Line_v alias because M_InOut_Line_vt view is used in query by idempiere.
Error: missing FROM-clause entry for table "M_InOut_Line_v"
1. Create virtual column on M_InOut_Line_v (columnSQL=SELECT UPC FROM M_Product WHERE M_Product_ID=M_InOut_Line_v.M_Product_ID)
2. Add this line to random Print Format which uses M_InOut_Line_v
3. Run report with previous Print Format when you are logged with non system language or set Language on BPartner to language Spanish (M_InOut_Line_vt table has to be used in query)
PS: Log and ScreenShot are based on view DD_Order_Line_v