wrong re-get value when a lookup use info panel for search


InforWindow.processQueryValue has wrong logic in some case.

1. in order line, select a produce, after that click to button to show produce info window. can't re-get selected produce
reason: is by infowindow use display text of product to search, display text = concat of all Identify column in table MProduct
fix: add ability search direct by key of selected item. in this case no set value for any parameter field of infoWindow

2. when copy display value of other product example "TShirt-GL_TShirt - Green Large" and page to produce field
info window is show with no record in result list, "TShirt-GL_TShirt - Green Large" is set for value parameter.
reason: infoWIndow spit input string (it's same count of Identify column in table MProduct) and compare with count of Identify column define at info WIndow, by it's difference, all input text will use to search => no record in result.
fix: try search with all input text. if no result, split it by "_" and just use first string split to query
in case have record also no record in result set first string split to first Identify column of info window







Hiep Lq June 25, 2015 at 6:26 PM

almost case in idempiere is one or two column. because close this ticket.
case search by key relate to with move to patch of late

Hiep Lq June 25, 2015 at 6:24 PM

case one and two identify column is fix with (order of identify must same in table/column and info/column)

Won't Fix





Affects versions


Created September 5, 2014 at 1:29 PM
Updated June 25, 2015 at 6:26 PM
Resolved June 25, 2015 at 6:26 PM