Attribute set with mandatory type = When Shipping not working
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Carlos Ruiz December 8, 2021 at 3:21 PM
Hi @Heng Sin Low - I tested successfully the pull request 1040 and merged.
The only thing weird - but I think is not a stopper - is when tested with the seed database there are 40 Fertilizer#50 in stock with date 01/22/2003.
After shipping, there are 39 of those. After reversing the shipment, then there are still 39 from 01/22/2003, and 1 from 12/08/2021. I think is not a big deal, but just wondering if it has a way to revert it with the same Date Material Policy.
Carlos Ruiz
Carlos Ruiz December 7, 2021 at 1:42 PM
Hi @Heng Sin Low - I merged the pull request 1014 after I tested the MR+SO+CS documents and everything was fine.
After that I reversed the Customer Shipment (CS) and noticed the OnHand quantity for the product is still zero, which must be one.
In another test with Fertilizer#50 - that has 40 in stock - at the end of the reversal it ended with 40 in stock for non-ASI, and two records for the ASI with +1 and -1 with different dates.
Heng Sin Low November 12, 2021 at 11:38 AM
Revisiting this - have working code in a production project (base on my idea below), will create a PR later for further review.
Carlos Ruiz August 22, 2020 at 4:28 PM
bitbucket link is broken.
As discussed above, this can be solved via an extension plugin. The use case is probably not common, there is a workaround to manage the case in core serializing the items using the Inventory Move window.
Carlos Ruiz August 26, 2017 at 3:10 PM
Thanks @Heng Sin Low, I see your point.
Yes, I think it can be done as extension, I think what @Daniel Tamm is missing is that the "when shipping" approach plus negative disallowed requires an extra process for serializing the inventory - which is the process proposed by you as inventory move, but I think it can't be in core as is not a generic case to automate.
The other possible approach is "when shipping" plus allow negative - which requires a further post-process to match the negative and positive inventory - can be done for example with physical inventory.
I think what is described in this ticket is not a bug - is just a way to see one of the processes.
Carlos Ruiz
Attribute sets can be used for a wide variety of things. If we're selling clothes, attribute sets can describe colors and sizes. In cases like above it makes sense that the attributes are mandatory on all documents such as purchase order, sales order, material receipt etc.
Another common use for attribute set is serial numbers. If we only want to track what serial numbers we have shipped to customers we want to use Serial No and Mandatory type = When shipping.
This is because the serial number is not interesting to know when purchasing, receiving or when the customer orders. The customer doesn't care what serial number he gets and we don't either, we just want to track it when shipping to the client. We don't need to know what serial numbers we have in the warehouse either.
Products with ASI serial number and mandatory type = When shipping must not have their attribute sets tracked in the warehouse. If they are tracked in the warehouse but only registered when shipped to customer the inventory of that specific serialnumber becomes negative and the shipments can't be completed.
Complete error message is:
Cannot correct Inventory OnHand [60010911] - Negative inventory disallowed in this warehouse