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select report parameter to display in tabular report header
i cant find way how to setup for a tabular report parameter "show/hide parameter"
i'm suggest apply solution 1 or 2.
sol. 1. implement a new checkbox to app. dict/process - print parameter - this cause any print format being printed i.)parameter name+ii)parameter value displayed (so all formats referring to same process-we apply for all formats we able to display same parameters in header)
sol. 2. implement checkbox on print format - "print parameter" - applicable only for columns - which are defined as parameters - cause we can select per print format (looks me more flexible)
this solution cant applicable printformats = IsForm
i has new table name ad_printformat_para_info. in order for make script migrate, i will create new data for ad_printformat_para_info, base in old data in other table. because i insert data by sql, i must use nextidfunc, other will let seq of table ad_printformat_para_info outdate.
but now i has other idea for it. will test new idea late and update here late
Carlos Ruiz July 31, 2015 at 3:08 PM
@Hiep Lq - can you please explain a little more what is the patch doing? why is nextidfunc required?
Hiep Lq August 4, 2014 at 1:04 PM
a bit worry about migrate script. in script i use nextidfunc(200199,'N') to get ad_printformat_para_info_id in one database it's 200198, in other database it's 200199.
in your database. run update db without latest command "INSERT INTO ...." find this value by run below command select * from ad_sequence where lower(name) = 'ad_printformat_para_info' change nextidfunc(200199 to value you get.
i cant find way how to setup for a tabular report parameter "show/hide parameter"
i'm suggest apply solution 1 or 2.
sol. 1. implement a new checkbox to app. dict/process - print parameter - this cause any print format being printed i.)parameter name+ii)parameter value displayed (so all formats referring to same process-we apply for all formats we able to display same parameters in header)
sol. 2. implement checkbox on print format - "print parameter" - applicable only for columns - which are defined as parameters - cause we can select per print format (looks me more flexible)
this solution cant applicable printformats = IsForm