in grid mode, save by change record is not consistent with click save button and move to other record
1. on invoice window, open tab "Pay Schedule valid" 2. make some record, every record is validate
case 1: in grid mode, change value of one record make all record is invalidate, move to other record to save change record. (same for move by manual click to other record or use navigate button (prev, next, start, end) in auto save or no auto save mode) just change record is refresh, other is still display validate.
case 2: in grid mode, change value of one record make all record is invalidate, click save button in main toolbar to save record all record is refresh
Still reproducible in 7.1z, changed its priority from major to minor because there is an easy workaround (click on refresh).
Hiep Lq September 4, 2016 at 12:11 PM
"now when you click alt+next it saves just the first letter of what you typed." yes. because zk depend on blur event to rise onChange event to sync value (server value and local value) on i just focus to move record status. will fix your comment on soon.
i feel this record have a bit relate to IDEMPIERE-3179. will investigate later.
Carlos Ruiz September 4, 2016 at 9:27 AM
Hi , as a note is not solved with - now when you click alt+next it saves just the first letter of what you typed.
I think this ticket and are caused by the priority of events, would be better to "save" the content of the field when user click navigation buttons or shortcuts.
1. on invoice window, open tab "Pay Schedule valid"
2. make some record, every record is validate
case 1: in grid mode, change value of one record make all record is invalidate,
move to other record to save change record. (same for move by manual click to other record or use navigate button (prev, next, start, end) in auto save or no auto save mode)
just change record is refresh, other is still display validate.
case 2: in grid mode, change value of one record make all record is invalidate,
click save button in main toolbar to save record
all record is refresh