SQL injection via ModelADService is possible
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Carlos Ruiz May 26, 2015 at 11:54 PM
Marking as resolved as implemented the context and now is possible to have "variable" filter via context variables
Carlos Ruiz October 15, 2014 at 6:51 PM
A better approach that we have commented is about implementing the ability to set context variables in webservices and the filter can use the context variable as a constant.
Another approach commented was to use a read-only connection for this query, but I think the first is better.
The validateParameter will always be short (or potentially short) for example oracle has the statements MERGE, RENAME. Or a call to a function that executes the statements can be introduced.

Tomáš Švikruha October 2, 2014 at 8:43 AM
IDEMPIERE-1784_v2.patch could partly solve problem with sql injection. I removed before save validation for Filter WS parameter. So Filter can be again set as free. SQL injection is simply checked in ModelADServiceImpl.validateParameter method.
Exception is throwed when string containt one of these commands: insert, create, update, drop, delete or alter.

Tomáš Švikruha October 2, 2014 at 7:03 AM
Hi , do you know if anybody started with util class to validate read-only sql syntax? I think that actual fix is very limiting - how can i call web service with condition? For example i have WS for exporting products and i want to filter by product category or tax group. Maybe is enought if sql select doesn't include any of INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, DROP, CREATE or ALTER commands.
Carlos Ruiz April 1, 2014 at 3:58 PM
Affected Installs
Adempiere versions with webservices installed
iDempiere versions
on Adempiere restrict access to Web Services Security window (on iDempiere the access is already restricted)
Do not configure a queryData webservice with Filter as Free
A commit was made on march 26 preventing the configuration of Filter as Free.
Is it possible to use the filter of the queryData method from ModelADService for sql injections. See example xml.
The problem is in the statement where the filter is appended to the sql:
if (modelCRUD.getFilter() != null && modelCRUD.getFilter().length() > 0)
sqlquery += " AND " + modelCRUD.getFilter();
As you see, there is no check for sql injection here and the two statement get executed by:
rsquery = pstmtquery.executeQuery ();