at class MOrder. some message is overrider detail message of save function
Carlos Ruiz August 22, 2020 at 12:25 PM
Hi ,
Checked the patch (visually) and I think the process must not replace the message, but append.
I mean for example this case:
At this moment the process says "Coult not create Shipment Line" and hide the problem, that's bad for tracing problems.
But when you replace that with the inoutline error, is possible the program now throws an error that says for example "warehouse not allowed" (suppose a custom validation in inoutline about that) - then the user will not know the problem was in shipment line and will be mislead to think the problem was on the warehouse of the order.
I think there can be two approaches here:
append the message, so, something like:
replace the save by saveEx - but I guess this can lead to the same problem about misleading message, the first is probably better for support purposes
Carlos Ruiz
Hiep Lq January 8, 2015 at 3:15 AM
must apply after IDEMPIERE-2240, because two patch modify two line near
at class MOrder. some message is overrider detail message of save function