There is a legacy script utils/ that does no more work since OSGi. I think an scriptable translation import could lead to an easier setup in jenkins.
It could make automatic translation run easier. This could tie users and their translation efforts tighter together in the end and help to build a broader language community working on one single translation.
The name of the application is not org.adempiere.ui.translation but org.adempiere.install.translation
The application seems to hang after doing its job. I wonder if the problem is that the OSGi environment does not stop and same happens to other applications?!?
Carlos Ruiz November 5, 2014 at 5:09 PM
I'm getting close but still it doesn't work, attaching the WIP IDEMPIERE-1554_CR.patch (still not working, but close)
Carlos Ruiz November 3, 2014 at 3:16 PM
The eclipse launchers are working, but the server scripts utils/ and utils/ are not working at all.
Carlos Ruiz September 3, 2014 at 10:26 PM
Thomas, I integrated the patches you provided (excluding some apparently unneeded lines).
Can you please check if it works as expected?
Carlos Ruiz
Thomas Bayen November 22, 2013 at 8:09 PM
The "-3" patch adds a "sync" commandline option to start the SynchronizeTerminology process.
There is a legacy script utils/ that does no more work since OSGi. I think an scriptable translation import could lead to an easier setup in jenkins.
It could make automatic translation run easier. This could tie users and their translation efforts tighter together in the end and help to build a broader language community working on one single translation.