when login with Organization = *, run "Bank Transfer" make error "Fill mandatory fields: : Organization"

Hiep Lq February 3, 2015 at 5:54 AM
i up patch relete copy/paste typo

Hiep Lq January 21, 2015 at 5:17 PM
i see three issue. I can't sure it's correct or not. please support check it.
1. line 192: paymentBankFrom.setC_ConversionType_ID(p_C_ConversionType_ID);
i think it's paymentBankTo or delete this line.
2. when i select a "bank account from" has currency is usd (same schema) and a "bank account to" has currency is foreign currency (eur)
+ in currency field i can select any enable currency. I think it should auto set value is "foreign currency"
+ process make a paymentBankFrom and a paymentBankTo has same currency and same amount.
so a payment has currency difference with currency in its bank account.

Armen Rizal January 15, 2015 at 4:13 AM
Yes, it must. I think from accounting perspective, the last commit is already right if it will create these journals :
In Payment From (Org B - Bank A):
B-Charge DR
A-Bank Asset CR
This will trigger InterOrg balancing.
In Payment To (Org B - Bank B):
B-Bank Asset DR
B-Charge CR
However the finance/cashier guys in Org A will be not so happy when they can't see their Payment (the Payment From doc).
My proposal has a weakness as well. It can't detect InterOrg transaction. If in Payment To we can have link to Payment From, it will be great. Then in Doc_payment, we can handle if we need to post InterOrg.
Carlos Ruiz January 13, 2015 at 2:10 PM
Wondering how must be the case when moving money from a bank of organization A to a bank of organization B.
Must it be a interorg transaction? If that's the case then I think for bank transfer we can assign the organization from the bank account for the payment and the receipt.

Armen Rizal January 12, 2015 at 12:57 PM
Hi Hiep,
Yes, that line must also be changed if we accept it.
I think it's very logical to make the org the same between Payment (as the transaction doc) and the bank acct (where the Asset belongs to), especially during transfer.
Regarding no validation in Payment window, it's probably there's a point to allow it to be different when the Org is merely a sales outlet which doesn't have bank acct, so then it must use HQ's bank account ? I'm not sure, I never face that case.
In MPayment.beforeSave() I found interesting codes. It is allowed as long as it's using to Charge ?
// Organization
if ((newRecord || is_ValueChanged("C_BankAccount_ID"))
&& getC_Charge_ID() == 0) // allow different org for charge
MBankAccount ba = MBankAccount.get(getCtx(), getC_BankAccount_ID());
if (ba.getAD_Org_ID() != 0)
Best regards,

when login with Organization = *, run "Bank Transfer" make error "Fill mandatory fields: : Organization"
when run "Bank transfer" it make a payment document. this document must have Organization.
add organization parameter.