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Charge in shipment and invoice line is duplicated on print output if charge name is translated
If the name of a charge is translated the corresponding line in shipment receipt and invoice is duplicated (2 other languages additional to base language activated) in the print output.
If name for all languages is equal, shipment and invoice is printed correct.
It seems that the ...line_vt view does not restrict select on c_charge_trl to just one language.
The problems are the c_charge_trl joins in the views c_invoice_linetax_vt and m_inout_line_vt
It currently looks like
LEFT JOIN c_charge_trl ct ON il.c_charge_id = ct.c_charge_id
but it should look like
LEFT JOIN c_charge_trl ct ON il.c_charge_id = ct.c_charge_id AND uomt.ad_language::text = ct.ad_language::text
I found this problem in my own customized jasper invoices which uses the view c_invoice_linetax_vt so I can't tell you exactly how you can reproduce, but you must have at least two translations of a charge for the problem to occur.
Carlos Ruiz November 18, 2013 at 2:51 AM
Hi Volker, I tried to reproduce the issue but didn't find how.
Can you please provide steps to reproduce? Or maybe attach a screenshot and configuration of language on client and business partner.
If the name of a charge is translated the corresponding line in shipment receipt and invoice is duplicated (2 other languages additional to base language activated) in the print output.
If name for all languages is equal, shipment and invoice is printed correct.
It seems that the ...line_vt view does not restrict select on c_charge_trl to just one language.