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A suggestion, tested on Info Product and it shows an empty window, I think is better not to show the button if there is no quick entry related to the table.
Nicolas Micoud August 12, 2015 at 5:43 PM
@Carlos Ruiz, yes, the fix was ugly, but i was not able to find another one. Just tested your patch in our instance and it works perfectly !
Carlos Ruiz August 12, 2015 at 5:30 PM
@Nicolas Micoud I tested changing the line that you suggested and it changes the way the windows are positioned.
@Hiep Lq I'm attaching a patch for your review and integration if you find it ok (IDEMPIERE-1338_FixChooseCityFromList.patch)
Use case : you're searching a business partner for an invoice/order/... and can't find him (using InfoWindow).
You need to close the info window and make a right click/zoom to go to the window or open the QuickEntry panel.
It would be easier to have a button at the bottom of the panel that could open directly the panel.
That could also be useful for products.
A draft patch will follow.