Ability to hide fields on Connection panel
Carlos Ruiz July 3, 2019 at 1:10 PM
Carlos Ruiz January 25, 2019 at 2:02 PM
Hi, committed peer review of this ticket with the following changes:
Implemented the label Defaults to separate the security fields vs default fields (as discussed in forum)
Enable the warehouse field - this field can be emptied by user, even if there is a default, so, hiding it creates a change in the previous behavior that maybe we need to discuss first
Changed the "hide" by "make readonly" in all fields - as suggested by Heng Sin above
The idea above about AD_Role.IsCanLoginToAsterisk is not implemented, maybe it deserves its own ticket?
Carlos Ruiz

Deepak Pansheriya October 17, 2018 at 11:27 AM
Attached is patch for hiding following fields based on available selection values.
and Date field based on System configuration.
For organization and warehouse, I like Hengsin below suggestion to avoid a system configurations.
Instead of the ShowOne* flag, I think we can make the form simpler to use by just making the field smarter - Editable if > 1 option
I suggest making * org selection available based on flag on Role, we can keep in different ticket. Though I believe that is not required as it is currently configurable in out of box iDempiere behavior by Role-Org access. I mean if for a role you want to make * as delectable, then in Role-org Access, add * organization and it will get available for selection.
Carlos Ruiz October 15, 2018 at 9:29 AM
Hi , that can be added to default branch, release is close anyways.
Agree that a new column is the best, something like AD_Role.IsCanLoginToAsterisk, or IsCanLoginToStar - don't know
The display logic sounds tricky as it depends on three different options - is maybe easier simply to leave the option displayed always, and defaulting to Y.
Carlos Ruiz

Deepak Pansheriya October 9, 2018 at 10:33 AM
"I think a role flag that say whether the role can login with '*' org should work"
This may be simple for user as has to mark on role and not need to go and update multiple org Access record.
Currently * org is available for user in below case
1. If role has IsAccessAllOrgs='Y'
2. If RoleOrgAccess or UserOrgAccess has entry for * org.
So I think making org fields visible when allowed selection options are >1 will work.
FYI.. We are 80% of task done. Send you patch soon. Please suggest should we consider patch for 5.1 branch or default?


Create SysConfig to allow hidding :
And rename those fields to Default Org, Default Warehouse, Default Date
Following https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/idempiere/a_KDBRAYoh8