delay the qtyOnHand check of attribute set instance to shipment time
when create order line with a product has attribute set instance. current status is: if product has properties isStocked. program check quantity in hand > 0 before save. add flag IsSOValidateOnHand to M_AttributeSet to delay inventory check to shipment time.
+ add code to copy attribute set install from order line to production line description here:!topic/idempiere/QhkVAUa8oIo
+ fix some error after test
Hiep Lq August 29, 2013 at 2:38 AM
fix logic get current select asi
Hiep Lq August 28, 2013 at 7:13 AM
I have added logic delayCheckQtyOnHand into beforSave of orderLine I will test this and continue fix if has any problem. I want to add the patch at here to you can review when you have time.
logic of my fix: + add flash isDelayCheckQtyOnHand into attributeUse + when save order, check if has any attribute has instanceAttribute = true and isDelayCheckQtyOnHand = false and is inputed value then not delayCheckQtyOnHand other delayCheckQtyOnHand
when create order line with a product has attribute set instance.
current status is: if product has properties isStocked. program check quantity in hand > 0 before save.
add flag IsSOValidateOnHand to M_AttributeSet to delay inventory check to shipment time.