When you try to save a record and it breaks a database constraint rule, error message displayed to the customer is very technical. Take following message when trying to save a duplicate search key for a BP as an example:
Could not save record - Require unique data: - Please change information.: ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "c_bpartner_value" Detail: Key (ad_client_id, value)=(11, Tom) already exists.
It would be good to display a more meaningful message to end users who probably are not so technical people. More user friendly message would be "You can not have two BP with same Search Key".
which I think with a regexp can be simplified by extracting only constraint name, and use it as value of Ad_message, thus making it not dependent from schema name.
regards, Naim
Carlos Ruiz June 5, 2013 at 8:08 PM
Naim, that's the intention of ticket IDEMPIERE-805.
When you try to save a record and it breaks a database constraint rule, error message displayed to the customer is very technical.
Take following message when trying to save a duplicate search key for a BP as an example:
Could not save record - Require unique data: - Please change information.: ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "c_bpartner_value" Detail: Key (ad_client_id, value)=(11, Tom) already exists.
It would be good to display a more meaningful message to end users who probably are not so technical people.
More user friendly message would be "You can not have two BP with same Search Key".