envirnment: warehouse - setup disallow negative quantity on.
use case: user create an order for 20 items. for example on line 140 th product ABC is on wrong location (so the system cant find on complete) or not enough qty ond line 180 - product XYZ.
when user complete document i.e. credit order - then system starts generate documents in workflow but cant complete it because above issues.
STOPPER HERE: user has no chance to trace where is the problem. at this moment only log says - so admin can identify where is the problem.
SUGGESTED SOLUTION: change error message to more explanable and make it iterative behind.
so if first item found with error, then message appear: NegativeInventoryDisallowed: Product ABC line 140 (wrong location), Product ZYZ line 180 (inv. not available)
user identify cuase/root of problem then go back to complete, then again try complete etc.
envirnment: warehouse - setup disallow negative quantity on.
use case:
user create an order for 20 items. for example on line 140 th product ABC is on wrong location (so the system cant find on complete) or not enough qty ond line 180 - product XYZ.
when user complete document i.e. credit order - then system starts generate documents in workflow but cant complete it because above issues.
startard error message appear (adempiere/idempiere):
Cannot correct Inventory (MA) - NegativeInventoryDisallowed
user has no chance to trace where is the problem. at this moment only log says - so admin can identify where is the problem.
change error message to more explanable and make it iterative behind.
so if first item found with error, then message appear: NegativeInventoryDisallowed: Product ABC line 140 (wrong location), Product ZYZ line 180 (inv. not available)
user identify cuase/root of problem then go back to complete, then again try complete etc.
Without this improvement disallow qty unusable.