Cant Merge 2 BP when Purchasing exists for the same product
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testing discovered
Carlos Ruiz May 26, 2015 at 11:49 PM
revisiting this - I think is not a good idea to delete records - you can see that location and users are just appended - so in my test the merged BP ended with the same location and user twice.
But it must not be possible to append some entities because of unique constraints - as the case described here - I think is correct the program leads to user to review the data and let the user choose which is the correct record to delete instead the program assuming it.
Carlos Ruiz June 1, 2013 at 10:54 PM
Thanks Norbert, reclassifying the ticket to Improvement - IMHO this is not a bug, but a request to improve merge functionality, the actual merge is notifying the user that a table cannot be merged and require manual attention, so I think is behaving correctly.
Because manual attention of the problem solves the issue this is not a blocker.
Carlos Ruiz
use case:
users in heavy environemnt records the same business partners 2 times and create normal documents for that partners. the result is inconsistency in data (cant report open items, orders etc.) so the requirement is merge to related business partners.
1. define the same product on the purchase tab for two business partners
2. start merge entities to merge the above two partners
3. system can't merge thats two partners because error message.
remark: when i delete one of the product before merging trough database manager, then merging is proper. so the problem is idempiere not handle purchasing items. suggestion: drop lines for partner records which will disappear from business partners.
see attached steps.