[Chosenbox] Multi select don't work in Firefox
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testing discovered

Diego Ruiz November 30, 2020 at 2:18 PM
My 2cents here. The problem seems to be in the CSS generated for the components in the Browser. The chosen box list component is rendered, but it is hidden. In my test it generated this css:
The left: -9498px; is the cause of the issue, it renders the list but it is hidden to the left, the top property is also poorly defined and does not correspond to the desired position (right below the field)
Carlos Ruiz July 28, 2020 at 2:16 PM
Still failing in firefox 78.0.2
My notes when testing this:
the "Multi Select Search" still works because the button search at the right can be clicked several times, in chrome it works without clicking the button, but for me is fine if in firefox it requires clicking the search button. So, the main problem with Multi Select Table and Multi Select List, is that the arrow button of the list at the right of the field is missing, there is nothing to click there to display the list, if a button can be set there would be better visually, and would solve the firefox issue.
the problem seems to be specific from our implementation, because the demo in zk works fine: https://www.zkoss.org/zkdemo/combobox/chosenbox (just EE)
saving a set of report parameters multi-table or multi-list in chrome and restoring it in firefox works fine.
In firefox the lists are not visible but you can enter the first letters and push Enter and the correct item from the list is selected, for example in "Open Items" report, parameter "Collection Status" - writing "Dunn" and Enter fills the field with the value "Dunning" from the list
In chrome the multi-search is working as auto-search - if you fill "Joe" in a business partner - the Joe Block is shown, in firefox it doesn't work like that (testing this found )

Igor Martins June 25, 2020 at 5:08 AM
Reproduced by Igor Martins
Mozila FireFox 77.0.1 (Bugged)
Microsoft Edge 83.0.478.54 (Chromium based) (Working correctly)
Internet Explorer 11.329.19041.0 (Working correctly)
Opera Stable 69.0.3686.36 (Working correctly)

tuấn hoàng November 13, 2019 at 11:47 AM
yep, thanks Carlos. Just as you described. Data of list and table don't display with Firefox browser.
Carlos Ruiz November 13, 2019 at 9:32 AM
I was able to reproduce this in my firefox 70.0.1 (64-bit) - ubuntu 18.04.3
Test scenario (applied in test.idempiere.org):
Three parameters of "Transaction Detail" report are made Chosen-multi:
Movement Type - Chosen multi list
Product Category - Chosen multi table
Product - Chosen multi search
In chrome it worked fine, in firefox the list and table are not showing values to select, search works fine in both.
Carlos Ruiz
Like tittle.
2 Reference are Multi Select Table and Multi Select List. They work in Chromium Browser like : Google Chrome, Vivaldi,... but they don't work in other Browser like : Firefox, IE, Edge.
I tested on test.idempiere.org and my project. The result of both is the same.