kiosk mode screens
Norbert Bede October 31, 2022 at 11:37 AM
i did some analysis, and notes to do not forget i write down here - comming from duplocated
some examples
setup fullscreen mode in browser favorites and default page - good for warehouse staffs.
login and stuck in fullscreen eg. info window - it is like simple function user
specialised UI - custom form, window component - including pas parameters.
enter dashboard into fullscreen mode - this transform idempiere to dashboard after boot device/start default url.
similar to zoom we need api for pass parameters for component - eg. dashboard ID, refr. freq. auth.token,
enter POS into fullscreen mode
allow default login page set to fullscreen - url, set for user eg. in warehouse
new multi-function component into toolbar - type: dropdown button which allow
"fullwidth" mode (hide all sidebars left, right, top)
"fullscreenmode" hide sidebars and use browser api switch to fullscreen including hide browser main toolber (back/next buttons, url, etc. ).
"default" (default or switch back, from fullwidth, fullscreen mode)
i assume, all parameters must be stored or invoked from url, because login defaults.
detailed technical specification, and design required.
Norbert Bede November 1, 2021 at 7:23 PM
hi @Thomas Bayen any progress to get kanban to kiosk mode ?
Thomas likes to have a way to use one single http call to
login as a dedicated user
opening a dedicated window
in a borderless view
that refreshes after a set timeout
it can even be good to open more than one window and let the view cycle through them
ZK_SESSION_TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS has to work not globally but on a single user (kiosk user without timeout)
we can use dashboards to collect data in one window
Norbert explained that dashboard layout may be improved
integration with external kiosk tools - via sending HTML or screenshots periodically
/kiosk like idempiereMonitor -> dedicated to show the required info
could use the cookie information to login -> problem - how to relogin in a server crash
Carlso says there is an extension to refresh chrome every minute. As that creates a session every x minutes we should better have autorefresh windows
What already works:
if you close the borders (left, right and at the top) for a single user, this is persisted
you can automatic open a window when you login using menu favourites (you set a sequence there)
one can refresh a chrome tab in some ways
what does not work
automatic passwordless login
Deepak already uses authentication login in web services
using cookies does not work on a server crash
no menu for the kiosk user
automatic refresh e.g. for normal data windows, reports, etc.