Mr. @Carlos Ruiz follow your suggestions, please check the new path.
Best regards,
@Orlando Curieles
Carlos Ruiz July 12, 2019 at 9:55 AM
Thanks @Orlando Curieles,
Some suggestions:
1 - is kind of a generic convention here that ctx is the first parameter, and usually the trxName is the last parameter, so I think is better if you follow the convention.
2 - no need to reference I_C_BPartner because the Table_Name constant is available directly
3 - in parameters you’re setting TaxID.trim() - doesn’t sound like a good practice as the taxID could potentially have spaces at the end, better to control that on input that on a getter
4 - firstOnly is assuming that taxID is unique - I think that cannot be assumed as there can be implementations allowing duplicates there - better to use the first() method and maybe name the method getFirstWithTaxID
5 - in many classes we don’t follow strictly java conventions, but anyways usually variables don’t start with uppercase - so instead of TaxID would be better taxID
Obtain a C_BPartner by TaxId