performance: on standard window, case use virtual table should query just key
discovered while testing

Hiep Lq February 14, 2019 at 4:23 PM
thanks for both helpful links, i total agree with it.
How does it work with tables that don't have a single-column primary key?
because the new query use only on case m_virtual = true, so it ensure have single-column primary key
Hiep Lq, what is the impact of this suggested change?
i just review and see effect of line m_pstmt.setFetchSize(100);
so my suggest don't help much. result set just keep 100 rows on buffer so ever reduce column don't save much of memory
on total it can save GC cycle and network bandwidth
Carlos Ruiz February 14, 2019 at 2:00 PM
, what is the impact of this suggested change?
How does it work with tables that don't have a single-column primary key?
That implementation is old done here:
Unless this would represent a big improvement in performance I would suggest to keep it as is.
Kind of following this rule

Hiep Lq February 13, 2019 at 8:20 AM
i see we ever can implement global cache there.
on GridTable.Loader.openResultSet case use virtual and buffer use same query.
but on case virtual we read only primary key. it's better reduce query to select only primary key
hi wdyt about that improve?