Export zip button (pack out) has error for tabs beyond third level
Carlos Ruiz February 4, 2019 at 9:25 PM
After this patch it is possible to use the Pack Out > Data > SQL Statement in a special way to define the hierarchy:
Example to export ASP_Level:
SELECT * FROM ASP_Level;ASP_Window>ASP_Tab>+ASP_Field;ASP_Process>ASP_Process_Para;ASP_Form;ASP_Task;ASP_Workflow;ASP_Ref_List
Example to export C_Calendar
SELECT * FROM C_Calendar;C_Year>C_Period>+C_PeriodControl;C_NonBusinessDay
So, the SQL is defined like this:
First the master SQL:
SELECT * FROM C_Calendar
this is equivalen to tab level 0 in the window
Then, separated by semicolon the direct children of the master SQL
this is equivalen to tab level 1 in the window
Childs of a children can be defiend separated by >
this is equivalen to tab level 2 in the window
Also a child of a child of a children can be defined adding a + to the >
this is equivalen to tab level 3 in the window
and so on, if a tab level 4 would be required it can be added like:
So, in summary, syntax is something like:
SELECT * FROM TabLevel1;Tab1Level1>Tab1Level2>+Tab1Level3>++Tab1Level4>+++Tab1Level5;Tab2Level1>Tab2Level2>+Tab2Level3 ... and so on
Carlos Ruiz
Carlos RuizReporter
Carlos Ruiz
Carlos RuizPriority
Created December 19, 2018 at 6:42 PM
Updated February 4, 2019 at 9:25 PM
Resolved December 19, 2018 at 7:01 PM
Test case:
In the calendar window push the export button and try to export zip file.
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: column "c_year_id" does not exist
Same if you try to export ASP module from System.