Lot/serial no Controll per customer


Attribute set can be used to generate various lot/serial control series. We assume we should require it based on Business Partner, for better identification/tracking.

case 1.vendor ship products with attribute set 1 we generate lot from lot control series from header.
case 2. vendor 1 ship with material receipt goods with product attribute set 1. and same product shipped by vendor 2. with lot control series 2.

improvement: add new tab to ad_attributeset as e.g ad_attrbiteset_controll. where admin able to define col1. business partner col2 . Lot Controll (tabledirect) col3 Serial No Controll (tabledirect) optionally col4. type Lot/Serial Control we could use it for show hide fields for simpler entering definition.

Usage: When user creates material receipt system will check lot control definition and if exists on tab then use them if none using header lot (same for S/N)





Diego Ruiz July 30, 2020 at 4:26 PM

Triaged as a potential idea due to a lack of interest from the community in 5 years.

If you want to work on this, please feel free to reopen the ticket and add extra details.

Won't Fix





Created February 3, 2015 at 5:26 AM
Updated September 4, 2020 at 8:52 PM
Resolved July 30, 2020 at 4:26 PM