I fix follow release note of zk. http://www.zkoss.org/product/zk/releasenote/7.0.4 Due to the compliexity of the size calculation (hflex and vflex) for tablechildren with colspan and rowspan, we restrict the usage of hflex and vflex for the tablechildren component to "false, min, and 0" since 7.0.2. Only the following values are supported: min, 0, and false
Hiep Lq January 30, 2015 at 3:53 AM
hi . default listbox will set table-layout=fixed it's best for performance. https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/table-layout other, header and content of listbox in two separate table. adjust width by content maybe make width of two table not sync.
i think behavior of window in grid view is acceptable. height is fixed, text overflow is hidden (with ...). a tooltip help user can quick view all content.
Carlos Ruiz January 29, 2015 at 2:09 PM
, I think the height is right, it is defined automatically by the size of the content - in the screenshot the description is too long, so in the info window definition you can trim the description to the first N characters.
I think a better approach is to allow increasing the width of the columns based on the content, at this moment all columns are the same (it was done to fix the ticket where the first column was not being shown - but I didn't have the time to research how to manage variable column width based on content.
I fix follow release note of zk.
Due to the compliexity of the size calculation (hflex and vflex) for tablechildren with colspan and rowspan, we restrict the usage of hflex and vflex for the tablechildren component to "false, min, and 0" since 7.0.2. Only the following values are supported: min, 0, and false